Cancellation Policy

1. Orders can be canceled before 24 hours of the actual time of delivery. If the cancellation request is received before the 24 hours delivery window, an unused credit equal to 100% of the ordered amount will be provided.

2. For orders whose actual time of delivery is less than 24 hours, the client may cancel within 8 hours

after placing the order and will be entitled to a 100% unused credit.

3. If in case the order is out for delivery but has not reached its destination we will aim to contact the driver to cancel the delivery. However, we will only provide 50% unused credit based on the amount of the product due to its perishability.

4. Unused credit can be used for a period of 6 months from the date of cancellation if not, it will be forfeited.

5. Once the order has been delivered, we do not accept any product returns and product exchanges.

Refund Policy

1. No refund policy shall be made due to the fact that we sell perishable flower arrangements.

2. Receiver/sender are advised to inform us IMMEDIATELY (within 2 hours of successful delivery) to

ensure fairness in judgement that the flower arrangements/bouquets/ box are in poor shape upon

receiving as it is unreasonable to judge from the condition that was capture 2 hours after receiving

them. As flowers are highly perishable items, it is impossible to make any return and refund unless the bouquet you received is a very poor shape or form (Flowers cannot be described as bouquet anymore or most of the flowers are wilted upon receiving them).

3. If the complaint is found to be genuine, a replacement of the same product shall be made.

4. Furthermore, no refund is applicable for any occasion arising from Customer error, including but not limited to incorrect information provided by the Customer, refusal of the receiver to receive the

item beyond the control of FerraFlora, and duplicate order upon checkout supposing that there was no technical issue during the processing of payment.

If you need any further assistance, please email us at